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18 Eco-Friendly Hotel Ideas to Boost Your Sustainability

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Sustainability is here to stay. Hotels must become eco-friendly hotels. Committing to that goal can mean starting with the basics. There are many simple ways for hotels to become more eco-friendly while maintaining high standards of guest comfort. Let’s take a closer look.

Eco-Friendly Hotel Ideas to Boost Sustainability

What is an Eco-Friendly Hotel?

An eco-friendly hotel is an accommodation committed to reducing its carbon footprint and implementing sustainable practices that better protect and preserve the environment. These establishments prioritize energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction, often utilizing renewable energy sources, eco-friendly materials, and green building standards. By adopting such practices, eco-friendly hotels minimize their environmental impact and provide their guests with a healthier, more sustainable experience that aligns with the growing demand for responsible and conscious travel options.

Why Become an Eco-Friendly Hotel?

There are three short answers. Firstly, it’s better for the environment. Secondly, it’s what travelers want. And finally, hotel owners can save on costs over time.

Tourism accounts for ~8% of the world’s carbon emissions – the hotel industry specifically; 1%. This has a profound and damaging effect on the environment. Changes must be made to ensure the continued viability of the tourism industry – without it, hotels will no longer have business.

The demand for change comes equally from consumers. A study by Expedia concluded that ~90% of consumers look for sustainable options when traveling. Research by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) echoes this sentiment, stating that 80% of travelers worldwide believe sustainable travel is important.

Adopting sustainable practices then benefits hotel owners. Not only by ensuring their business remains viable but by reducing operational costs. Renewable energy sources, reduced water waste, energy-efficient lighting, and other green initiatives all compound to save business owners money.

Eco-Friendly Hotel Ideas

18 Simple Eco-Friendly Hotel Ideas

Start Small

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

It’s a phrase that has stuck around for good reason. This can be the place to start for soon-to-be eco-friendly hotels. Cut down on single-use plastics with branded reusable water bottles (great for passive marketing) and drinking water stations for refilling. Signposting ample recycling bins also encourages guests to partake in green practices.  

Remote Interviews and Virtual Meetings

Conduct Remote Hiring

Instead of bringing potential employees in for in-person interviews, use video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with travel and can save both time and money.

Virtual Meetings

Encourage staff to hold virtual meetings rather than traveling for conferences or inter-departmental meetings. Platforms like Microsoft Teams and Google Meet can facilitate efficient communication while reducing travel emissions.

Digital Guest Services

Mobile Check-In and Check-Out

Implement mobile check-in and check-out processes to reduce the need for paper and plastic key cards. Guests can use their smartphones to access their rooms, check in, and settle their bills, making the process seamless and eco-friendly. This integration with technology reduces wait times, increases guest satisfaction, and meets consumer demands for digital experiences.

> Learn more about the benefits of contactless check-in services

Digital Room Service Menus

Replace printed room service menus with digital versions accessible via QR codes or the hotel’s mobile app. This saves paper, plus allows for easy updates and changes without the need for reprinting. Again this practice helps create a more eco-friendly hotel while appeasing guest expectations.

> Find out about 6 key hotel guest expectations.

Digital Concierge

Digital concierges also reduce the need for printed materials, thereby minimizing paper waste. From a broader angle, hotels can streamline operations, enhance guest experiences, and save money while maintaining their commitment to sustainability.

Sustainable Housekeeping

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Hotels can become more eco-friendly by switching to biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning products. These are less harmful to the environment and safer for staff and guests. Brands like Ecover and Seventh Generation offer a range of sustainable cleaning supplies for commercial use.

Green Laundry Practices

Hotels generate a lot of laundry, translating to high energy usage. Using cold water for laundry or investing in energy-efficient washing machines helps make the process more sustainable. Additionally, using biodegradable laundry detergents further minimizes the impact on water systems.

Local and Seasonal Food

On-Site Herb Gardens

Hotels with on-site restaurants can also make small changes to become more eco-friendly, such as growing herbs and small vegetables. Those with the space and resources can develop this further, creating a more self-sufficient produce garden. These steps help reduce food transportation and ensure fresh ingredients for better guest satisfaction.

Eco-Friendly Hotel Ideas to Boost Sustainability

Seasonal, Local Menus

Consciously designing restaurant menus around more locally sourced, seasonal, and green ingredients can help hotels become more eco-friendly. This supports local farmers and reduces the carbon footprint associated with transporting food over long distances. From a guest satisfaction standpoint, seasonal, local menus also provide a more fresh and culturally authentic dining experience.

Waste Management

Composting Organic Waste

Composting is an easy eco-friendly practice for hotels to engage in, utilizing organic waste from kitchen and dining areas to enrich the soil in hotel gardens or to donate to local farms and community gardens. Unused foods can even be donated to local food bank programs – a good step for eco-friendly hotels to connect with their community.

Upcycling and Repurposing

Reduce, reuse, recycle, and now – repurpose. Hotels committed to sustainability can find creative ways to upcycle and repurpose materials. For example, using old bed linens to make cleaning rags or craft decorations. Eco-friendly hotels can also outfit their spaces with reclaimed wood or upcycled furniture. Such designs can add a unique charm to a property while reducing waste.

Hotel Energy Efficiency Upgrades, Big and Small

Solar Power

While far from a “simple” idea, alternative energy is worth mentioning. Installing solar panels to generate renewable energy is a powerful way to reduce reliance on fossil fuel energy sources and lowering electricity bills. Again, solar panels are a more significant investment for hotels but they are a clear statement of a hotel’s commitment to eco-friendly practices. 

Green Roofs and Shade

Green roofs covered with vegetation can improve insulation, reduce heating and cooling costs, and help manage stormwater runoff. They also provide a habitat for wildlife and a pleasant space for guests. In more simple terms, shaded environments increase energy efficiency – planting trees or integrating canvas awnings have a marked effect and last. 

Sustainable Guest Engagement

Eco-Friendly Complimentary Items 

Everyone’s partial to some free amenities, whether shampoo, soap, or razors. Swapping these items out for eco-friendly alternatives is a subtle but actionable step to a more sustainable hotel model. Bamboo toothbrushes, biodegradable toiletries in refillable containers, and – again – reusable water bottles are worthwhile places to start.

Eco-Friendly Hotel Ideas to Boost Sustainability

Green Travel Tips

Provide hotel guests with information on sustainable travel practices, such as using public transportation, visiting local farmers’ markets, or participating in eco-friendly tours. Encouraging guests to adopt green habits can extend the hotel’s sustainability efforts beyond its boundaries.

Employee Involvement

Green Teams

Every eco-friendly hotel needs a “Green Team” to spearhead sustainability initiatives. This team can develop new ideas, organize environmental activities, and monitor the hotel’s eco-friendly practices. It doesn’t have to be complex or comprehensive, but simply having a dedicated team conscious of sustainability helps keep an eco-friendly hotel on track.

Sustainability Training

Sustainability training goes hand in hand with creating a “Green Team.” Regularly training employees on the importance of sustainability empowers them to contribute to the hotel's green goals. This can include workshops, seminars, or online courses on energy conservation, waste management, and sustainable hospitality practices.

Where To Start

From the start line, becoming a sustainable and eco-friendly hotel is a daunting task. So start small. Identify what immediate changes can be made that are easy to complete – think energy-saving lightbulbs or installing a water refill station in the lobby. Tick them off the checklist first and then move forward. Again, achieving an eco-friendly hotel is a process. Set a plan, get excited about it, get guests on board, and build momentum – you’ll have an eco-friendly hotel in no time.